― My background
I’ve gone through a number of phases in my career, each of which reinforced the basic philosophy with which informs all my activities today: to serve is to love and to love is to heal.
― Skills
― Private Practice
Pediatric Pulmonologist
Lung World, Ltd, עולם הריאות
40 Sokolov Ramat Hasharon, Israel
Appointments: doctorim.com
A one-stop-pulmonary function test service that offers complete same-day pulmonary function testing and consultations that are fast, easy, and reliable.
― specialization
Board-certified with license to practice in Israel and the Philippines / 1995-present
Pediatric Pulmonology
Board-certified with license to practice in Israel and the Philippines / 1998 - present
― Courses
Functional Medicine
Institute for Functional Medicine
School for Applied Functional Medicine
Pediatrician-Pediatric Pulmonologist
Clinica Yeladim, Ramat Hasharon
Address: 40 Sokolov Ramat Hasharon, Israel
Appointments: doctorim.com
“As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else.”
- Maya Angelou